Thursday, November 29, 2007

#14 Technorati

Before searching around this site tonight, I really had no idea what Technorati did or what it was for. I followed the activity suggestions and searched learning 2.0 in the directory and in the tags and the results were quite different ... but neither very satisfying. The tag search returned a lot of very general material, so I can see the importance of considering the tags I decide to use rather than shooting from the hip. The advanced search returned the best results, a series of new blogs I'd not come across yet but which I'm looking forward to returning to. I liked Technorati and I'll return but I'm not quite ready to let the spiders loose yet.

And as an aside, I saw the VALA conference programme via Technorati and doesn't it look fabbo. Helene Blowers is keynote speaker and I expect there will be some good blogs to read in February, when the conference is on in Melbourne.


Interesting. Just getting an idea of the various ways people choose to tag compared with the structured and controlled 'libary' way of classification is an eye opener. I can see the advantage too, of overcoming the frustration of not having 'favourites' available at work or alternatively, at home, whichever the case may be. I also found food for thought in some of the sites I found that discussed using this on reference desks and also on having tags sitting alongside subject headings in our library catalogues.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I've been looking at Rollyo tonight and I think for the time being I might move along ... and come back to this at a later stage. I can see an application for it in the various websites I like to keep track of.

Friday, November 9, 2007

#11 Library Thing

I really enjoyed looking around Library Thing ... it's interesting to see how many others have chosen the same titles. I must say however, that I struggled to think of the titles I'd list. There was much peering over my shoulder at the bookshelf behind me for inspiration. In the end, I've gone with some old favourites and some recent reads ... Unfortunately, not all of my choices had covers available. I'm not sure that the coverage for Australian literature is very good.

I've finally got the images to appear on the blog. I didn't understand the 'adding an HTML' element bit. Thank you Rosemary for your help!