Sunday, October 28, 2007

#10 Image Generators

Well, this was a bit of fun .... and surprisingly easy. This is a nice alternative to those e-cards that I suppose are very old fashioned and old technology now. At least with these you can customize them for the recipient. I'm feeling a bit sleepy this afternoon, so the cup of coffee at appealed to me. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Friday, October 5, 2007

#8 RSS

Well, it seemed to take me rather a long time, but I managed to create my Bloglines account and then subscribe to some RSS feeds. I chose a couple of blogs, some book reviews and some news.

I'm going to reserve judgement on how it works for me until I've test driven it for a little while. I wonder if this will make it easier for me to keep up with news etc .... or whether I still won't get around to actually reading any of the articles? We'll see.